Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Be careful what you ask for...

I realized today that I really don't want to work...

I have an opportunity to do some short term consulting work which is something I've been telling people (including myself) that I want to do. I am a writer* (I am) and I don't want to get a full time job, but I really thought that making some money doing something short term would be ideal.

Sometimes it takes having an opportunity put in front of you to find out you don't want what you thought you wanted....

* I have convinced myself of this now... but it's amazing to me how hard it is to convince non-writers... let's call them muggles ;-) ... of this. It's like they expect you to actually be earning a living at something in order to claim it's what you do... Or they think writing is something people do as a hobby or in their spare time and it can't possibly take much... After all, it only takes them 10 hours or so to read a book -- surely I can write one in 30 or 40 hours... ha! Or they assume you must suck at it if you aren't published yet and look at you with sympathy in their eyes each time they ask if you have any news about your book...

Sorry for the rant... I shouldn't blog with low blood sugar.....

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