Saturday, September 23, 2006


Tucked in my paper yesterday was an LL Bean catalogue. A CHRISTMAS catalogue.

Give me a break! I'm having enought trouble believing it's September.

It drives me nuts how businesses keep moving the holiday season farther and farther forward. Before long, we'll have Christmas decorations in March.

Ho. Ho. Ho.


Sara Hantz said...

YES, I AGREE!!!!!!! It's like when they start selling Easter Eggs in the shops just after Christmas.

Unknown said...

I hate it when they do that. Personally, I love Halloween and feel it gets completely overshadowed by the rush for Christmas. Candy for candy's sake is the best holiday ever!

Trish Ryan said...

I got that catalogue, too...three copies of it. Even worse, they're opening an LL Bean in the town near mine in Massachusetts, which is just WRONG. Who wants LL Bean if it's not in Maine???

Marley Gibson said...

They put out the Halloween candy at the grocery store on Labor Day weekend. Mmmm...that's gonna taste real good by the end of October. (Bleck!)

= )

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