Sunday, December 10, 2006

An Embarrassment of Shoes

I'm all for descriptive collective nouns, but when someone recently referred to my front hall as containing "an embarrassment of shoes" I took exception.

Shoes are great. I totally related to the main character in In Her Shoes. No matter how much a girl's weight goes up or down or sideways (mine's gone all three directions too many times to count) shoes look great. And regardless of weight issues, I just don't have one of those clothes friendly bodies. Never have. Never will. I'm short. I'm stocky. I'm learning to live with that. One way I live with it is buying great shoes. And earrings. I'm big on earrings.

Yes, it's true. I own enough shoes to make Imelda Marcos slightly giddy, but I'm not embarrassed about this. Hmmmm... What would be a better noun for a large shoe collection? A pride of shoes? A glory of shoes? A spectacular?

Don't know. But I do know the the sunbeam, which arrived in my living room midway through my writers' group meeting this morning, highlighted an embarrassment housework sins.
PS. Photo of shoe from Fluevog.


Anonymous said...

A glut of shoes? I have only recently gotten the shoe thing, and I think I might have it bad. At what point do you actually cross the line? 20 pairs? And do flip-flops count? Boots? Gardening clogs? I think we might need some parameters here, Maureen...

Anonymous said...

Gaggle of shoes?/ Murder of shoes?

I have big feet and find shoe shopping frustrating. I usually avoid it whenever possible. :)

Anonymous said...

I love shoes, I am tall and have big feet so shoe shopping is a pain ... but I love shoes and handbags and jewellry and ....

Anonymous said...

As a fellow shoe slut, I admired your gorgeous Mary Janes yesterday at the writer's meeting. Loving the kitten heel. I have so many shoes because a girl has to have JUST THE RIGHT ONE to go with every outfit. Men don't understand this. Poor souls.

Maureen McGowan said...

Deb Kristy... 20 pairs in one colour maybe.... 20 pairs total is a beginner colection (I think that's how many I have just in my front hall. Okay, that is embarrassing.)

Christine, I thought about gaggle... A Murder? Like crows? Ominous. Maybe for the black shoes.

Sinead... No, but I want them. I do have a few pairs of Fluevogs... but not those. have been drooling and staying away from Queen St in case I accidentally fall into the store and buy them.

Amy... but tall girls like you and sinead can wear clothes, so I'm not going to feel sorry for you. I'm 4 inches shorter than the target height for petite clothes. And they have yet to market clothes for petite heights but linebacker shoulders.

Maia, thanks and I buy outfits to go with shoes...

Anonymous said...

One can never have too many shoes!

Anonymous said...

Love the shoes! Unfortunately, I can no longer where heels without hurting my back. But I do love to collect bags. :)

Heather Wardell said...

As for your housework sins, the rest of us were too impressed with your gorgeous stained glass windows to notice or care - until you pointed out said sins. :)


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