Thursday, November 13, 2008

On blurbs...

Seems I'm destined not to make any original blog posts these days... Luckily, I keep reading great ones made by other people.

Check out these words of wisdom, from Lauren Baratz-Logsted on Red Room, about asking other authors to blurb your book.

I will blog again... After I get this book off to my agent. Assuming I ever do. :-(


Marilyn Brant said...

I read Lauren's excellent post and she makes perfect sense throughout. Thanks for linking!

As for the book, best of luck with all your work on it. I'm sure the results will be stellar :).

Louisa Edwards said...

Ooh, very timely post. At least for me! Thanks!

goooooood girl said...

your blog is very good......

Barrie said...

How's it going?

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