Friday, April 08, 2011

Another Giveaway!

Today, I'm being interviewed on The Qwillery and giving away another book. Stop by there, if you'd like a chance to win.

And here are photos of a couple more book sightings.

In other news, once a month I meet up with a lovely group of Toronto-(and environs)-based middle grade and young adult writers. We've dubbed ourselves #torkidlit. You can follow us on Twitter or check out our Facebook page.

Torkidlit was started by the lovely and fabulous Claudia Osmond, author of SMUDGE'S MARK, but much of our energy/organization is owed to the equally fabulous author/illustrator Debbie Ohi, also known as Inkygirl.

Debbie made a video this week to show our support for the people of Japan. (Coincidentally, the past several months we've been meeting in a fabulous Japanese restaurant...)

1 comment:

Ishta Mercurio said...

Wow - you're getting around with your blog tours! Go, Maureen!

Cool video. I'm impressed that you all put it together during a meal! Technology can do amazing things these days.

By the way, we have met once, at RPW's DUST CITY launch. I came over to your table (you were there with Kari, Lindsey, Adrienne, and a few others) and introduced myself, since I didn't really know anybody there. You gave me some great advice about Twitter, and you gave me your card, which is how I first found your blog. :-) It's nice to know there are ways to connect when I can't get out in the evenings.

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