Friday, June 06, 2008

Feelin' Hot Hot Hot

Well, it's June and I think I'm about to turn on my air conditioner. (She types while wiping sweat from her nose.)

I just realized this is the first May since I've lived in my house that I haven't turned it on for at least a few days in May.

It's been cool in Toronto this spring and I've kind of liked it. A lot to be said for leaves on trees and flowers in the garden (well, weeds in the case of my garden) but no excessive heat.

I've been sleeping with the window open and enjoying the chilly night air for at least 2 months... But no more. Today it's hot. Really hot.

Summer's here. Damn. Personally? I'd take year round spring.


Barbara Martin said...

Yes, the first real hot day for Toronto's budding summer. Just think, Maureen, that means at least a month less of hot and humid. I live within a block of the lake so the humidity isn't that bad to take, but inner city...yuck! More smog there too.

I rather enjoyed today, took a leisurely walk along Lake Shore Blvd. wearing my summer hat, popped into the Birds & Beans coffee shop. Great place. Try it sometime. Yes, it was hot, but a welcome change from those chilly days that accompanied those light shows with the thunderstorms.

Maureen McGowan said...

The reason I'm not a big fan of really hot humid weather, is that the only thing I hate worse than air conditioning, is being too hot...

Kwana said...

Whew, it went over 90 in New York today. I don't like this heat. I'm a spring and fall girl. It's way too hot for me. I just want to sleep when it get's this hot.

Annette Gallant said...

Since we've moved back east, one thing we miss about TO is the early springs and the long summers. But definitely not the crazy humidity and smog.

I'm not a fan of really hot weather either. Guess it's a good job we moved to where we did. Most homes don't even have air conditioning. Probably only one week a year when you really need one.

Wylie Kinson said...

I'm with Kwana ... Spring and Fall are my fave seasons. Nice enough days to get out in a t-shirt, but cool enough at night to open the windows and enjoy a chill breeze.
I spent 18 years in hot and humid and I'm done!!

L.A. Mitchell said...

I would *much* rather be cold than hot. Living in Texas right now might as well be the Sahara.

Eileen said...

sigh. We are still having the worst spring on record. Cold and wet. sigh.

Louisa Edwards said...

We essentially skipped spring in northern Ohio this year. Straight from cold and wet to humid and hot. I guess no one moves here for the weather.

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